There is no need to beat around for an introduction. To get here, you certainly should be a weirdo… So let’s dive straight into this web of weirdness. 

  1. wwwwwwwwwwwwwJordi

I am starting off this list with one that left me speechless. I certainly don’t know what is going on there, obviously.

If you understand computer language with a touch of language for the alien with all written in green, then you absolutely wouldn’t find Jordi weird.

Oh, did I forget to mention that I absolutely didn’t bother counting those Ws.

  1. Zombo

Alright, I first read this as ‘zombie’, did you? Not to worry, there is nothing scary or dead about this site. It is quite a colorful one with no weird languages like the first.

If you find a ‘welcome’ voice note particularly soothing, then this is the site for you on all those anxiety-filled days.

You just have to get past the weirdo’s voice-over and enjoy the daily motivation, LOL!

  1. God Hates Shrimp

I certainly don’t know how this information came to be, nor how politically (oops! sorry, religiously) correct it is.

And I am still trying to figure out if this website is just for attention or they truly believe it. 

  1. Brain Wash

What actually made this site weird was that no brain got washed. 

Okay, you might find this comforting but I did find it disappointing. Am I weird?


I lost count of how many times ‘1’ was used in this Web name, oh forget it, don’t bother counting. 

This website creator certainly had a lot going on in his/her life at that moment. 

Mid-life crisis? Might never know. 

  1. Tane

I don’t know what is going on here.

Maybe you can explain better because I am certainly lost like Alice.

  1. The Quiet Place Project

For this website creator, the intentions are pure as we all need a quiet place to reset.

I don’t know why it made this list, but I know you deserve this serenity.

I am glad I took this 90 seconds off everything, are you glad too?

  1. Geo Tastic

You will notice a map on the entrance, they call it the map of vaguely rude places. 

I don’t know if they had such a bad encounter in those places or they did not mean this literally. 

Maybe they are just trying to teach you geography in a fun way. I don’t just know. 

  1. Break Glass to Sound Alarm

You must have seen this phrase several times. We relate it to a fire emergency, right?

Relax, there is no fire this time but you would be as lost and confused as you would be in a place of emergency. 

  1. You Should Have Seen This
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This is a list by someone called Greg of what you should have seen on the internet.

Just move on, there is nothing weird to see here. Unless you are just bored like me, then fun things await you.

I recommend this to everyone every time.

  1. I Look Like Barack Obama

I probably missed the joke here. 

The weirdness is certainly in the utmost confusion. 

What goes on in your mind when you have to name your child Trevor?

  1. Mom Spaghetti

Now I am worried that I have been listening to songs wrong. 

Who knew Eminem actually sang about Spaghetti huh.

Unless you are a fan of Eminem, you would be quite disappointed that this has nothing to do with mom’s spaghetti recipe.

  1. Pointer Pointer

Ehmm, take it from me that this is a pointless collection of pointer pictures. 

Or don’t.

  1. Time Cube

We have to appreciate the energy put into this, it was quite a lot!


Baseless. What inspired this website? Silliness or Boredom?

  1. You Fell Asleep Watching A DVD

We all do, just that this website creator took confrontation to a whole new level. 

  1. Something store

Quite a nice store of random items. Perfect for us that never get gifts.

Just pay for random stuff and have it delivered to you. You get to know what you got only when you unwrap.

Taaadaaah! Can surprise gifts ever get better?

  1. The Useless Web

The name says it all, enjoy the ride.

  1. z0r

Something weird for someone weird. Do not leave your volume up, fair warning! ⚠️

  1. White Power Milk

Okay, this one is quite weird and disturbing. It lacks humor and it kind of portrays seriousness with an undertone of racism; why else would those two words be together with milk.

No, I understood it wrong.

It just makes fun of the white supremacy ideology.

  1. I Love You Like a Fat Lady Loves Apples

I do love apples, so I would love to hear about this profession of love.

This site is quite purposeless and weirdly impressive. You are not getting any love here, just the lady getting her Apples.

  1. Jared Padaleck is Ass

Just like you might have guessed, I don’t know what is going on here. Just a bunch of ads.

It’s usefulness depends entirely on who is searching. 

  1. Rainy Mood

We all love when it rains, the sound can be soothing. This website took it upon itself to provide you with some uplifting sound. Don’t just go farther from there.

  1. This Man
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Okay, this man was basically the reason I started this post. 

  1. Cookeville Police

Actually a cool website for the police department in Cookeville… lol.

  1. Simon Panrucker

Simon loves music and being silly, so much that he created a whole website as his playground.

Whether you find this weird or not, the site is quite a colorful one.

  1. The Nicest Place on the

Did you notice the play with words here? 

Yea, this is certainly a place for bored people.

  1. The Beatles Never BrokeUp

I had to quickly go check if this is true or not. We all know that things are never the way they seem, plus there is no way we would actually confirm if this is some conspiracy or fact… LOL!

In case you didn’t notice, the album in there isn’t genuine. 

  1. Hosanna 1

Sorry to burst your bubble, but this has nothing to do with hosanna. Probably a lot to do with pets.

There must be something to learn here, I am still searching though. 

  1. Pointless Sites

Do I need to point out that this is another collection of pointless Sites?

  1. Haneke

Who has such free time to just sit and stare at videos for hours? I do.

  1. Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows

John is one sorrowful man. I must commend his effort over decades to make our weird feelings sound serious and rationale

  1. Fear the Gay Chicken 

An excited Chicken is certainly something to be wary of. Unless we are talking about a colorful, dressed-up one.

In case you are wondering too, I don’t know if this site is about the sexual nature of chickens or what exactly the creator had in mind. 

  1. Internet Live Stats

A weird website indeed. I can’t tell what the stats are for, but I am certainly curious if one day it will hit infinity. 

  1. WWW Dot Com

Pun fully intended.

  1. Shaye Saint John

Now, what could possibly be John’s intent?

To be weird, plainly creative, or silly?

  1. HeyYeYaaeYaaaeYaeYaa

I had to check several times to be sure I got all those letters in the right place. 

Songs, videos, and whatever are begotten from boredom, the weirdness is in the name.

  1. Pixy Land; Peter Pan’s Homepage 

Once you get behind the weirdness of what adults do online as fun, you will get to like this colorful website.

Sprinkling us with a little dust of positivity and encouraging us to embrace the child in us. The world is perfect with fairies and pixies.

  1. Is It Christmas

When you need a website to tell you if it’s a holiday or not. Forget calendars, they are now archaic.

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I will keep going back until I get a ‘Yes’… I love Christmas. 

  1. Jim Carrey

‘A site made by fans for fans’. Jim Carrey, aside from being a great actor and author, has some weirdly creepy fans.

  1. Patience is a Virtue

This website was created to test your patience. You don’t need a test, coming this far in this weird post is enough proof of your patience.

  1. Staggering Beauty 

This website activity is weirdly satisfying and addicting. 

⚠️Warning, stay away if epileptic!

  1. Cat Bounce

Make it rain cats! Have them bounce around. 

This is specifically for cat lovers, oddly funny but weird still. 

  1. Feed the Head

Just feed the head, duh!

  1. Koalas to the Max

Keep stroking the larger dots till they break into the tiniest of pixels revealing the cutest of pictures underneath. 

Should I envy Annie Albagli or feel sorry for her?

  1. Drunk Ron Swanson

Ron was undoubtedly drunk when this website was created.  Now I am wondering if he is the creator or his drunk fellow.

  1. Falling Falling 

Just like the name implies, you will stare at something on your screen that just keeps falling without reaching the end.

I would love to know if this was meant to be hypnotic. 

  1. Do Not Click Here

Reverse psychology at its peak! I must admit, this was very fun to do; refusing orders.

Did you Click to the end? Let me know. 

  1. Procatinator

Okay, I felt attacked at first because I really procrastinated making this post for you all. 

But then, this has nothing to do with procrastinating. It is just a reminder that cats rule the world (Internet).

  1. Bored Button 

This website is a savior for our immensely bored souls

  1. Clever Bot

Here we go again. Start chatting with this bot and be amazed at how it replies. 

Kill off boredom for hours, this is certainly a favorite of mine. 

  1. Every Day I am

Hustlin’ is all you see here, and you can’t help but pity this person that hustles so much s/he had to create a website to rant.

  1. Nooooooooooooooo

This is simply a creator’s desire to be hilarious. I hope this gets you in a good mood and relaxes those tense muscles.

We finally came to the end of these 53 weird Websites, I was almost certain of losing my sanity before the end… Phew!

If you really came this far you must be extremely curious in nature, bored out of your soul, or both.

Whichever it is, always come around to feed your curiosity and/or boredom.

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