Imagine having a watch that isn’t just a time teller but does other tasks your phone can do?

Smartwatches are currently one of the best birthday gifts in the market as it makes numerous things easier for all classes of people. They are portable smartphone-like devices designed to be worn on the wrist. 

These watches are created for different purposes and categories; for some people, it is a necessity and not a luxury.  To know more about smartwatches and how important they are, you can click to read my article Smartwatch the Mobile Digital Tracker for Time, Heartbeat, and your Digital Life.

How does a Smartwatch Work?

Technology does a great job of amusing us daily. Some years back, watches were meant for just date and time; fast forward a bit, we began using watches to calculate. A slight move forward we moved from just time telling to fitness trackers and smartwatches.

Smartwatches are small computers that are worn on the wrist. They work by synchronizing it with a smartphone. Most times, they are connected using the Bluetooth connection. We also get to connect using Wi-Fi too.

Smartwatches can be used to access different apps on our phones, receive notifications, take calls, track vital signs like fitness and health, send and receive messages. It can also be used as a hiking tool for hikers. Parents also used it to track children’s activities and their locations. 

Finding your phone is so much simpler with your smartwatch as the ‘find your phone’ app is available on the majority of your smartwatches. Listening to music is never a problem with the small screen smartwatch. Organizing your life with the timers, calendar, and reminder features makes it convenient and reliable to an extent.

Smartwatch Radiation

Smartwatch is a device that everybody desires to own, and even some little kids prefer a smartwatch to a phone as it is small and portable. It is effective. It is convenient with a beautiful design. 

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Smartwatches are wireless gadgets which are sources of radiofrequency radiation, which is also included in the electromagnetic spectrum that can have a dangerous biological impact if near the human body. Visible light, X-rays, microwave radiation are simple examples of electromagnetic radiation. 

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and cellular signals have health risks. Though smartwatches have some physical safety issues for those that drive and text and privacy issues, we will focus on the effect of the smartwatch radiation and how to avoid it. 

Possible Smartwatch Radiation Risks

Sleep Disorder: Your sleep pattern can also be affected when your skin gets exposed to excess radiation. Apart from that, the blue light emitted from our smartwatches and smartphones keeps one awake, thereby disrupting the gelatin (sleep hormone) in one’s bodies.

Distractions: This is inevitable, especially when your smartwatch is connected to your phone as you get all the notifications from your phone, which keeps you everywhere and distracted, especially in meetings and social events. Smartwatch is a great risk for drivers as one notification that comes to their phone can throw them unbalanced. 

Nausea and Headaches: Research has shown that the EMF (Electromotive Force) radiation in a watch can cause headaches and nausea if a smartwatches is worn for so long. Although research is still ongoing regarding this, it is crucial to take caution.

5 Ways to Protect Yourself from Smartwatch Radiation

Protection from smartwatch radiation could be down to knowing when to make use of your smartwatch and when not to use it. Here is a rundown of what you need to know about protecting yourself from smartwatch radiation. 

  1. Get it off: Although smartwatches are designed to be always worn often, try to avoid using your smartwatch when it is unnecessary. I put on my smartwatch most times when I am in the gym as it helps me with the count and times and the fitness tracker goes a long way for me. But outside there, I try to avoid it. Because at that point it isn’t so necessary. 
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You know the reason why you got the watch, what you intend to achieve. When you are done with this, try to take off the watch. By doing so you reduce the contact with your skin.

  1. Activate Airplane mode: If you are not using your smartwatch, you feel it would be better not to take it off, maybe because you love wearing it, or you want to avoid misplacing your watch. It is advisable you put it on airplane mode here. Your Bluetooth is disabled. While you still enjoy the offline features of your smartwatch, you take down the rate of radiation. When you are not expecting messages or notifications, consider putting your smartwatch on airplane mode.
  1. Please make use of a case: The smartwatches have different beautiful cases they come with, make use of them. There are smartwatch cases like memonizers that help apple smartwatch users by reducing the negative effect of EMF radiation. Direct contact between the watch and the skin isn’t good.
  1. Do not wear it while you are asleep: I know you will be asking what if I bought it to optimize my sleep? Well, I feel you, but smartwatches can do worse. So please do not wear them while you are asleep. 
  1. Drivers Caution: it is essential to exercise caution when using your smartwatch on the road, as receiving alerts and notifications while driving is never a good idea. It’s just a smartwatch: Do not depend so much on your smartwatch. It does a lot like a watch and all that, but it does mean it can take the place of a phone or a tablet or even a tiny phone. Most of us are so guilty of depending totally on this device.
See also  Smartwatch: The Mobile Digital Tracker for Time, Heartbeat, and Your Digital Life

Are the Memonizers and the BloxShield worth buying?

It is true that smartwatches emit some form of radiation, and to remedy the situation, some companies came together to build a radiation shielding product of harmonizes to cushion the effect of the radiation. But trust me, these devices do not do much as they still get to connect via Bluetooth, which is a significant form of radiation. So for me, the memonize smartwatches and bloxshield only cushion the effect, and it doesn’t stop the emission. If you can go for it, it’s okay. 


Technology is evolving, and smartwatches are going to get better and more refined as days goes. We can’t harp on the convenience and effectiveness of smartwatches as they are abundant. Still, there are a variety of health risks it accompanies because of the emission of EMF Radiation, especially when worn often.

Smartwatches will also do so much more in time to come, but don’t depend on it totally. Break out sometimes, do without it. Do not let tech control you more than it is helping. Get what you want and move on. Smartwatches aren’t a disaster at all; just use them smartly. If you do not mind, I  would like to hear your opinion on what you think about smartwatches radiation and how to avoid it. 

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